The genealogical data are those available in the archives of Lignières and the State of Neuchâtel, supplemented by information received mainly from Rose (RKKD123@aol.com) and Anne Morton, Head, Research & Reference, Hudson's Bay Company Archives.
The informations I have seem to indicate that this family went to the Wisconsin from Red River. It remains to find the descendants of Charles Louis Junod & Marianne Sophie born Monnier to confirm it.
Genealogical data
Charles Louis JUNOD, born on 8 Feb. 1800 in Lignières, NE, Charles Louis wife in Lignières, NE on 10 Mar 1821 Marianne Sophie, daughter of David Monnier of Dombresson, NE.
Emigration data
From the book "Canada and the Swiss 1604-1974" by E. H. Bovay, page 196 # 77
JUNOD, Charles Louis, 22 years old (in 1822), from Lignieres (Neuchâtel, Switzerland) Protestant, occupation "Vigneron", arrived in 1821, left in 1823 approx.
Note: 1821, 5.5 Neuchatel: obtains a passport # 277 for him and his wife, destination: America.
From the book "Canadian Historical Review", Volume 22 (1941) page 46
JUNOT, Charles, 22, born at Lignières, Canton of Neufchatel, winegrower, bad character; wife, Sophie, 21, pretty good character; religion, Reformed church.
From "Red River Settlement"
Book of accounts of Charles Louis whose last entry is dated July 9, 1822. (HBCA, A.16 / 27, fo 233d.)
From "Settlement" by William Kempt in 1822/23 and 1824
The name Junod or Janot does not appear in both indexes. (HBCA, E.6 / 10 & E.8 / 11).
From "Card index to the early church of England registers"
If a child was born to Charles Louis and Sophie during their presence and as members of the Reformed Church, they would normally have baptized these children to the mission of the Anglican Church. (The only alternative being the mission of the Roman Catholic Church).
No trace of Junod or Janot.
From "The logs of the Prince of Wales" for 1822 and 1823
To check if they had returned to Europe during those years. Their names do not appear on the passenger list. (HBCA, C.1 / 799-800).
Recorded by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., "The Artist Was A Young Man: The Life Story Of Peter Rindisbacher" (Amon Carter Museum: Fort Worth, 1970, pp. 45-46)
It is possible that the Junods were among the 13 families that left the settlement of Red River to go to Missouri in the spring of 1823.
Having failed to reach any descendants of this branch to Charles Louis, I am of course very interested in receiving additional information or a proposal for reasonable help. Thanks to contact me.